Benefits for Infants & Babies
Infants as young as three months old can benefit from adding Almondie to their diets. From easing digestive issues and increasing nutrient absorption to alleviating ear infections and colic, Almondie can help support health and happiness in babies. Below are a few of the ways that Almondie can aid your child’s development:
• Adding Almondie to your baby’s bottle can keep your baby satisfied, well-nourished, and happy.
• Almondie can benefit babies as young as three months old and up.
• Infants who are allergic to dairy or soy milk can get nourishment from Almondie.
• Almondie can alleviate ear infections and diarrhea and is good for children who suffer from Celiac Disease and other digestive problems.
Continue reading to learn about all the ways Almondie Almond Butter can benefit your baby and find easy to follow recipes that you and your child will love.

Adding Almondie as a nutritional supplement
Almondie Almond Butter is beneficial for infants, babies, and children in a number of ways, providing important nutrients and vitamins in an easily digestible form.
Almondie is highly recommended as a nutritional supplement for any bottle-fed baby, providing him or her with additional calcium, protein, and other vitamins and minerals which help with healthy weight gain and development for maximum health and strength.
Almondie’s high calcium content is vital to proper growth and successful development of your baby’s bones and teeth.
Laboratory tests have proven that calcium and protein eaten from Almondie and other vegetarian sources are better absorbed by the body than those derived from animal sources, building healthy and strong bones and muscles.
A 95-gram serving of Almondie contains 5.7 milligrams of omega-3 essential fatty acids which are necessary for brain development in infants. Add Almondie to your baby’s bottle of formula and you will have a satisfied, happy baby.
Looking for a natural way to enhance the nutritional value of your baby’s bottle?
Mix Almondie Almond Butter into your baby’s bottle for maximum health, strength, and proper development of your baby’s bones and teeth.

Adding Almondie to baby’s bottle for a happy, well-nourished baby
Fussy and hungry babies can benefit tremendously when Almondie is added to their bottle. Fussy babies are often suffering from constipation, gas, or other discomfort relating to digestion. Almondie acts as a natural antacid and settles their stomach, calming the child and alleviating their discomfort.
Hungry babies should consume denser, more satisfying foods. Almondie is high in calcium and protein, the main nutrients which make people feel full and satisfied. Hungry babies will be more satisfied for longer after Almondie is added to their bottle. Rest easy with Almondie!
Is your baby constipated? Gassy? Fussy or often hungry?
Add Almondie to your baby’s bottle for a satisfied, well-nourished, happy baby.

Almondie as an addition for formula-fed babies
Prepare your baby's powdered or liquid formula or milk as directed.
When the bottle is ready, mix in the appropriate amount of Almondie Almond Butter according to your baby’s stage of development, based on the following instructions.
• For babies just beginning to eat Almondie add ¼ level tsp. or less per 8 oz. liquid.
• For babies who have eaten Almondie for at least one month add up to 1/2 level tsp. per 8 oz. liquid.
• For babies who have eaten Almondie for at least 3 months add up to 1 level tbsp. per 8 oz. liquid.
Almondie is recommended for babies three months old and up. Consult a doctor before giving Almondie to a baby younger than three months old.
Mixing instructions of Almondie with the following
How to mix Almondie into canned/liquid formula or milk substitute
A bottle with canned liquid formula
1. First, add an appropriate amount of Almondie to 2 oz. lukewarm liquid formula. Shake vigorously.
2. Next, add 4-6 oz. of cool liquid formula and shake again.
If cereal is part of your baby’s diet, add powdered cereal to bottle after following the previous instructions and shake well.
If desired, you can prepare Almondie’s SATISFYING TODDLER DRINK in a blender.
Satisfying toddler drink with milk base
1. First, add the appropriate amount of Almondie and 2 oz. lukewarm water to the bottle or liquid tight container and shake vigorously until mixture is thoroughly blended.
2. Next, add 6 more oz. of cool milk and shake again.
If desired, add powdered or whole cereal to the mixture after following the previous instructions and shake well.
If desired, you can prepare Almondie’s SATISFYING TODDLER DRINK in a blender.
A bottle with powdered formula
1. First, add an appropriate amount of Almondie and 2 oz. of lukewarm water to the bottle and shake vigorously.
2. Then add 4-6 oz. lukewarm water and shake again.
3. Lastly, add formula powder according to manufacturer's instructions and shake once more.
If cereal is part of your baby’s diet, add powdered cereal to bottle after following the previous instructions and shake well. If desired, you can prepare Almondie’s SATISFYING TODDLER DRINK in a blender.

Almondie — add to Rice Dream/use in milk & soy allergies
Infants who are allergic to milk and soy milk can get nourishment from Almondie added to Rice Dream.
Rice Dream Supplement
Add Almondie to any type of formula or milk substitute such as Rice Dream or soy milk for more nutrition. Rice Dream contains a great deal of nutritional value in a liquid consistency however, it's not as satisfying as a full meal. Adding Almondie to Rice Dream makes it richer and more filling.
Almondie provides additional vitamins, minerals, and protein, satisfying your child's hunger while supplying the necessary supplements for his/her proper growth and development.
Adding Almondie to Rice Dream provides fuller nutrition and more satisfaction for your baby.
* Always consult your pediatrician before changing your child's diet.
Almondie & Rice Dream recipe
Ingredients: A carton of 32 oz Rice Dream with 2 heaping tbs. Almondie
Directions: Blend ingredients at high speed. Keep refrigerated.
Note: Once blended, Rice Dream and Almondie Almond Butter mixture should be consumed within 48 hours.
To serve: Pour desired amount of Rice Dream and Almondie Almond Butter mixture into bottle. Shake well and serve.
*Always consult your pediatrician before changing your child's diet.

Almondie alleviates ear infections & diarrhea; use in celiac disease & for digestive problems
Almondie can alleviate ear infections and diarrhea and is good for children who suffer from Celiac Disease or other digestive problems.
* Almondie makes a delicious milk substitute for children who are lactose intolerant, allergic to milk, or are unable to digest soy. Milk allergies are aggravated by the consumption of dairy products.
The symptoms of milk allergy are usually respiratory, gastrointestinal, skin problems, and frequent ear infections. If your child suffers from any of these problems, it’s recommended to try a 3-month period of eliminating cow’s milk from his/her diet to see if the symptoms clear up. Use Almondie as a nutritious milk substitute.
Almondie Almond Butter is gluten-free and made exclusively from skinless almonds for easier digestion. The thin, brown inner skin of almonds contains tannic acid and enzyme inhibitors, making digestion more difficult. We remove this skin using our unique cold mechanical process. This makes Almondie easy to digest for children or babies who suffer from Celiac or other digestive problems without any adverse side effects.
* Please Note:
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or allergy.
Other "almond milk" brands are often a mixture of almonds, sugar, water, food coloring, emulsifiers, and stabilizers, whereas Almondie is made only of 100% pure almonds with no additives or preservatives.
Children who cannot tolerate other types of milk thrive on Almondie!
Anecdotal evidence suggests that babies who suffer from diarrhea and water, mineral, and vitamin depletion usually make a full recovery after a few days on a diet of Almondie Almond Milk.
* Please Note:
While Almondie Almond Butter can act in many cases as a preventative measure against malnutrition for your child, it does not provide complete nutrition for your infant. Consult your physician or nutritionist about how to supplement Almondie with vital nutrients such as vitamins A, D, C, B-12, and amino acids.
* Please Note:
It is not recommended to give children under the age of five whole nuts. By mixing Almondie into cereal, your child can benefit from all the rich almond nutrients without risk of choking.
PLEASE NOTE: this statement has not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.