FAQs: Almondie Premium Almond Butter
Who is Almondie Almond Butter suitable for?
Almondie is suitable for many types of consumers. We are sure that you will enjoy our Almondie Almond Butter which is vegan, gluten-free, non-GMO, dairy-free, certified kosher, with it’s smooth, rich and creamy texture and delightful taste. It has no artificial ingredients and no salt added. Almondie Almond Butter is Paleo, Keto and Whole30 and SCD approved, approved and manufactured in a peanut-free and soy-free facility.
There are so many ways to enjoy our Almondie Almond Butter
Eat it straight from the jar, spread on whole wheat toast or fruit, mix into yogurt, add it to thicken milk for children’s cereal, make it into a creamy salad dressing, or blend it in your smoothies. Eat Almondie and honey sandwiches. The combination of the natural, unique taste of almonds are brought out by the sweetness of the honey.
Our Almondie Almond Butter can be enjoyed either as a delicious spread or made into the purest almond milk. It takes seconds to make almond milk: simply blend 1 tbs. Almondie Almond Butter with 1 cup of water for the most wholesome almond milk that nature can offer.
The rich flavor and nutritional value of Almondie by Field of Nuts is great as a tasty, low-carb snack. High in healthy, monounsaturated fat, our Almondie satisfies you and keeps you from snacking on less healthy options.
Almondie Premium Almond Butter is healthy, nutritious, and filling - a really delightful treat!
Click here for recipe ideas and suggestions for enjoying our Almondie Pemium Almond Butter
No vitamin pill can substitute for good nutrition!
Almondie is made from raw, sustainably grown, hand-selected almonds of the finest quality. Almonds are high in Protein, Fiber, Manganese, Copper, and Vitamins B and E, as well as Magnesium, Folic Acid, and Phosphorus. Contains a medium amount of Potassium, Zinc and Calcium. It contains Unsaturated Fat, and is made with absolutely no preservatives, chemicals or additives. Almondie Premium Almond Butter has no added sugar or salt. Just pure, raw almonds.
View list of nutrients in Almondie Premium Almond Butter
Almondie Premium Almond Butter contains the following per 28 grams (2 tablespoons)
• Carbohydrates 2%
• Unsaturated Fat 10.7 grams. saturated fat is only 1.6 g. Total fat of 12.3 g
• Protein 4.2 grams 9%
• Fiber 8%
• Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 6%
• Vitamin B6 4%
• Vitamin B2 20%
• Vitamin E 45%
• Vitamin K 5%
• Calcium 8%
• Iron 7%
• Phosphorus 14%
• Manganese 22%
• Magnesium 18%
• Copper 30%
• Potassium 6%
• Zinc 4%
Fatty Acids:
• Omega-6 3501 mg 22%
Nutritional Benefits of Almondie Premium Almond Butter
• Especially rich in Vitamin E which is responsible for immune function, may help prevent some types of cancer and is linked to a decrease in heart attacks.
• Rich in Copper which helps in the function of a healthy nervous system, prevents anemia and osteoporosis.
• Rich in Omega 6 Fatty Acids which play a crucial role in brain function, skin and hair growth.
• Rich in Manganese vital in bone tissues, calcium absorption, blood sugar regulation, brain and nerves.
• Rich in Vitamin B2 Riboflavin which maintains the body’s energy supply
• Rich in Magnesium which is a cofactor in many enzyme systems that regulates protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure. It also helps prevent children from developing ADHD as well as development of a healthy heart.
• Contains Phosphorus, Essential for body structure and strengthening. Especially recommended for pregnant women and nursing moms.
• Contains quantities of Protein, which is essential for building and strengthening the bones and healthy blood cells.
• Contains quantities of Calcium, especially beneficial for pregnant and nursing women for building and strengthening bones and blood cells.
• Contains quantities of Iron. Iron prevents fatigue. It helps metabolize proteins and stimulates the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells.
• Contains Dietary Fiber which encourages the body’s elimination of waste and quickly, relieves constipation which helps with digestion and regulates metabolism.
• Contains Thiamin, Vitamin B1 which is essential for glucose metabolism.
• Contains Vitamin B6 which benefits the central nervous system.
• Contains Vitamin B9 which is Folic Acid. It converts food into energy and is an essential nutrient during pregnancy.
• Contains Potassium for proper operation of the nervous and muscular system, balance and elimination of water in the body.
• Contains Zincfor healing stubborn wounds,building healthy bones and muscles and strengthening the immune system.
The variety and combination of vitamins and minerals in Almondie makes it one of the healthiest nut butters available!
Almondie - How it can Boost Your Health and Energy Levels
• A baby formula that is sensitive to milk
• Contains calcium and protein, which is essential for pregnant women and nursing mothers for building and strengthening the bones and healthy blood cells
• It increases breast milk in quality and quantity
• Alkalizes nursing mothers’ milk, making it less acidic and therefore
• Alleviates baby’s suffering from colic, gas, and constipation
• For the elderly and those with sensitive digestion
• Neutralizes and relieves heartburn and stomach acidity
• It gives general strengthening, especially after bypass surgery
• Give people strength to get through fast days, Eases fasting
• Gives strength before surgery and helps speed post-surgery recuperation
• Contains vitamin B9 which is Folic Acid. It converts food into energy and is an essential nutrient during pregnancy
• Almonds contain a tremendous amount of vitamins and minerals which combat cardiovascular disease and “bad” LDL cholesterol“
Leah Berger, New Hempstead, NY
My daughter in law complained that her new baby was very colicky. I recommended to my daughter in law that she try eating Almondie Almond Butter and she took me up on this. The next time I spoke to her, she told me that she wished she’d have known about Almondie earlierbecause it was working wonders with her baby, who was now much more settled and happy.
Nicola Jackson, Tampa, FL
I have relatively high cholesterol. Being a busy mom, I wanted an easy breakfast food which didn’t boost my cholesterol levels. I tried Almondie Almond Butter and loved the creamy taste,I now make it into milk which I use in coffee and also use a couple of teaspoons in smoothies, instead of unhealthy sweeteners. My last blood test, and my cholesterol had gone down, so that was good.
Julia Thompson, Atlanta, GA
I use Almondie Almond Butter for weight loss, by eating a tablespoon or so on my morning toist, or on a cracker for an afternoon snack. So farI am losing weight slowly, which is my goal, so it seems to be working. I want to try the other nut butters from this range, as they seem to be very good quality and full of flavor.